07 January, 2012

First Guest Blog Post on Web Service Attacks

There's no such thing as a new year. The way we measure time is entirely artificial. The only time that counts is right now. Worrying about yesterday or planning for tomorrow is much less important than doing something right now.
~ Joel Heffner ~
I wrote a Guest blog post on Santhosh Tuppad's blog http://tuppad.com/blog/. When Santhosh asked me to write one, I literally fell off my chair. Knowing an amazing tester and working with him is one thing. Getting a request for a guest blog is another and a special one! It's a great honour to be writing for Santhosh's blog. Thanks a lot Santhosh!

I have been doing a lot of research on how to test web services. Of course, web services is not a new thing. However, many of us struggle to do it the first time. Struggle is a good sign, it pushes to learn more and practice more. I have penned down a few learnings based on my experience so far. I hope it helps at least some of you who are doing similar stuff.

You can read my article here HERE.

Happy Right Now Everyone!
