24 July, 2009

Book Review: Are you a Buccaneer-Scholar?

I just finished reading James Bach’s new book ‘The Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar’. It is a MUST READ for all the Learners out there, not just Testers! James gives away a lot of his Time Tested Secrets for the betterment of the Learning Community. He also advices the readers to become Buccaneer-Scholars and how wonderful it is to get there and be there just as the true Buccaneers thrived!

This book also helps the readers to learn what to LEARN, why to LEARN and how to LEARN. It is a MUST HAVE/MUST READ for Testers. Can’t wait to buy the hard copy of this book! I am also tempted to read James Bach’s other books now!

Happy Testing,
Pari – http://curioustester.blogspot.com


  1. great, apparently i couldn't open the file on my machine when I dowloaded it a few weeks ago, and i haven't tried again. I will take a look at sometime shortly...


  2. @Ram
    apparently i couldn't open the file on my machine when I dowloaded it a few weeks ago

    The book was available for free for a limited period of time. If you need to read it now, you may need to buy a hard copy or an ebook(not sure if they are offering the ebook though).

    Parimala Shankaraiah
