02 January, 2014

A Decade In Software Testing – I Finally Found My Master

I brought down this blog post because it was not my creative best in terms of content and writing style. I'll be updating this space shortly.

I apologize for the inconvenience and thanks for the wait, if you indeed wait!


  1. Hi Parimala.

    Liked reading the series on 'A Decade In Software Testing'.

    The below lines resonate with who each individual is and can be.

    A master has the desire to get better at something that matters.

    A master believes in doing something that is bigger than himself.

    A master asks, “Why am I learning this? How is it relevant to the world I live in”

    Thanks for sharing your views.

    Best Wishes
    Jyothi Rangaiah

  2. Hi Parimala,

    An awesome journey yours has been. Your courage and determination is awe inspiring! A thought provoking series.. loved reading every bit.
    Best wishes to you !!
